Wednesday 10 August 2011

Toilet Training Going Well!

They are picking it up really quickly!
As of my last post I had moved their litter tray into the bathroom. They took to that quickly enough so yesterday I took it away and placed the Litter Kwitter onto the floor and they used that happily enough (made a blinking mess of the bathroom though!) So this afternoon I thought I would bit the bullet and move the Kwitter onto the toilet. And it has been used! They are doing brilliantly, the end of the litter tray is in sight!

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Monday 8 August 2011

Toilet Training Update

As I said yesterday, I moved their litter tray into the downstairs toilet room, and they have happily used it. I will leave it as it is for a couple more days and then take it away. Watch this space!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Big Softie

So, my husband doesn't like cats... Apparently
(excuse blurry picture taken on the sly ;) )

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And Thus It Begins!

Our toilet-training journey has begun!

I have moved their litter tray into the downstairs toilet. I had also set the Litter Kwitter up in its first stage although that's mainly for show than in expectation of use ;)

Other than that they are still settling in nicely. Once the sun has fallen they go crazy! Night before last we barely got any sleep... They were doing laps of the house and using my husband's head as a diving board! Last night they tired themselves out before bed and we woke up this morning with Floss tucked up in between us. Under the duvet and everything! we had an awful thunderstorm yesterday, and that really spooked Floyd. He is a bit more withdrawn today but it eating well and comes for cuddles still so I know he'll come round again in time.

They are becoming increasing fussy with their food though... Purely because we have had some rather posh food in gravy donated from a friend and they now won't touch anything else! They're worth it though. It's so nice to see them happy. Speaking of which, Floss and I took a nap together during yesterday's thunderstorm, doesn't this cat look happy? <3


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Friday 5 August 2011

Good Morning!

Floss and Floyd had a good night. They have eaten, used their litter tray and spent all of the evening playing and chasing each other around the living room!
This morning they were a little nervous but soon got back into it. They watched the kids eat their breakfast and then opened the living room door and decided to explore the rest of the house! I let them look around for a bit and then rounded them up . We are now out for the day (not all of it obviously) and have left a radio on for them and lots of toys and treats. They seem very settled already and I'm certain they're nervousness will pass once our house and it's smells and sounds become familiar.

Here are a couple more pics for you, taken on the phone so excuse crappiness!

Playing with their activity cubes (excuse the husband's toe in this one!!)

Scratching post

Queen of the house already!

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Thursday 4 August 2011

Picture Spam!

Here are some pictures of our beautiful cats settling in to their new home!

Floyd in the play cube (which he immediately claimed as his own!)

Brother and sister together:
Floss with the hug toy, which she enjoyed. Floyd claimed the Kong Kickeroo and was really going for it! I think I'll have to get another one as Floss soon decided the smaller pink one wasn't going to cut it!
You can also see the 'massage' toy in this picture. It has catnip in the top and they both seem to really enjoy it, rubbing on it whenever they go past.

Stretching and playing:

Queen Floss on my lap:

There will be more to come, you can rest assured of that!

Settling In

So, I can now sit down and tell you just how today went.

Eloise and I did the hour long trip together, we decided it should just be us and not the full family, as with 3 young children any car journey over about...oooo 10 seconds!... ends up quite loud and boisterous and I didn't want the noise to add to the cats' stress.

So off we set, it was pouring with rain, but at least it meant it was cool in the car. When we arrived we met with Pat and I filled in all the necessary paperwork, and asked to purchase 2 cat carriers, some litter and a scratching post (which reminds me that I must set it up!)
It was starting to get a bit emotional, Floss and Floyd are a well loved pair at Ark on the Edge and although Pat was thrilled to know they were going to a home, she was sad to see them go.

So off we went to the cat runs and the ladies popped our kitties into their carriers. First they got a hug and a kiss from Pat of course, but by this time they knew something was happening and they were scared so it wasn't a dignified moment for either of them, the poor loves!

Once in, we secured them in the car. Floyd in the front passenger seat, and Floss in a rear seat, next to Eloise. The mewed a bit, especially when Pat said goodbye to them, which set us both off crying! After a hug, and a promise that we will take good care of them and send lots of photos we set off for home. Floss laid herself out and started purring, but poor Floyd got a bit upset, and was sick. I pulled over and cleaned it out as best I could (obviously having to be careful not to let him escape) and off we went again. Thankfully he seemed a bit better after this, just panting a bit, but I put the air conditioning on which helped, and he was rather fascinated by the windscreen wipers which were on full speed due to the rain!

We finally made it home, and I finished setting up the dining room for them. Pat had given us some of the (clean, of course!) litter from their litter tray at the animal sanctuary, to put in their one here so it was familiar, so I did that, and I filled up their food bowl and laid out a few familiar toys.
The moment had come to release them into their new home, albeit just one room, but still! Floss came straight out and wanted her chin tickling but Floyd was a tad more reticent. Once he saw Floss getting a fuss he ventured out. Together they sniffed everything and came for more cuddles. Floss was particularly friendly, jumping onto my lap and staying there, rubbing her chin over me, kissing me and kneading my leg with her paws. They even enjoyed a short brush from Eloise, and enjoyed having Ian in because he wasn't wearing any socks and seemingly his feet were delightful...!

After we were happy they were going to be okay, we popped out to get some shopping. Whilst we were out they ate some food and had a sleep, and whilst a bit nervous at first (the boys weren't very quiet when they got in the house) they soon ventured for more cuddles.

They seem very keen to explore other areas of the house, and once the kids are in bed tonight we will open the dining room doors and allow them to explore the living room too, but that will be it until the weekend I think.

So, I think that's it for now. I have some pictures that I will add after tea, so look forward to those!



Floss peeking through our rather 70s serving hatch! Probably wondering if she has travelled through time ;)

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We're Home!

Just 2 very quick and blurry photos from 2 very happy cats and 5 very happy new cat owners!

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Wednesday 3 August 2011

More ordering for me!

So these cats are spoilt. I collect them tomorrow (yey!) I have just bought them some Whiskas cat food but I also have a pack of pork mince which I will be adding small amounts of to their food to introduce them to raw!

I have also purchased:
some flushable litter (for the Litter Kwitter)
Some cat grass biscuits
and some dried fish and chicken treats!

can't wait until tomorrow now...